They’re called Flamethrower Habanero Peppers and by looking at the colors it’s no wonder why! That and the taste… I did try one just to check quality and they definitely have some flavor to go along with the heat. I was afraid to try it (I’ll admit it) so Teresa, who works in the store, was the brave soul to try the first bite. Since her head didn’t catch fire when she tried it, I decided it was safe to follow suite. After a couple minutes we were both running for some water, but they were so good!
Since we are talking about peppers, we also started getting in some hot banana peppers from the greenhouse. I didn’t plant a lot of these since they were “leftover” plants from the store, but the few we got were tasty! They seem to be a mix between a bell and a jalapeno. They have that same sweet pepper taste with a little bit of heat to follow. I tried them out on some homemade pizza the same day I picked them. I highly recommend it!
If you’ve been following our blog, you would know that I predicted snow for last Wednesday. I don’t think that prediction came true, but something must have been halfway correct about it because some of our winter squash are ready! They must have been reading the blog and decided to get themselves ready for the colder weather. At least somebody reads it, right!? Now at the store you can find some butternut and spaghetti squash!As always we have plenty of sweet corn, cantaloupes, and tomatoes to go around. Last week we picked over a half ton of tomatoes in one day! I have it on good authority that they are the best tomatoes around (not to brag or anything).
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