Blog Post

The Heat is On

  • By Allan Baucom
  • 14 Jul, 2017

Blog by: Cameron Ripley

I don’t think the temperature this past week got below 90 during the day… But of course that didn’t stop us! We farmers are tough!

This week we finally started picking some cantaloupes. I know, I know! I promised them last week, but it’s better late than never, right? They actually look and taste really good. I also figured out why they needed that extra week to grow. They’re huge! Some of them could be mistaken for yellow watermelons. If you happen to stop by, definitely pick up a cantaloupe or two. I like them with some salt personally.

I know a lot of you have been waiting patiently for sweet corn and we appreciate that. Y’all bought out our first planting within days, if not hours, of us picking so there was a little gap where our first planting was being enjoyed at 4th of July cookouts and the second planting wasn’t quite ready to join the party yet. Well now, the wait is over and the second planting is ready! We pulled a few ears off earlier this week and they were tasty indeed. Coming into the weekend we should have a decent amount of corn ready to eat, and hopefully by next week we should have more corn than we know what to do with! Any of you with orders by the crate keep the phone nearby.

The pumpkin patch is starting to look good! The plants are about knee high right now with lots of leaves. I haven’t seen any blossoms on the big pumpkins just yet but we do have some on the smaller pie pumpkins. I hope to get them a little early so we can begin with the pumpkin spice festivities!
All of that is wonderful, but what really excited me about this week is that we are finally done planting! You’d hear cheers from the farm crew but everyone is currently busy picking everything… We finally put in our last planting of tomatoes Thursday morning. Now all we have to do is harvest and eat (and of course plan for next year). That means we should have plenty of delicious North Carolina tomatoes all the way up to frost! If you are a home gardener that likes to procrastinate make sure you get your plants in now before it’s too late! We are right on the line for being “too late” to plant anything so get it in the ground. We still have some plants available for purchase at the store if you want to take a whack at growing your own produce this year, but hurry!
Amongst all this great news going on in the field there is one sad item of note that happened this week…our beloved produce sign of the past decade has finally fallen. A large gust of wind during a storm this week proved to be too much for its old posts.

So don’t worry if you don’t see our sign waving good morning to you as you drive to work every day; we are still open and serving the best local produce around! Our old sign will be given a grand retirement party and live out its golden years on a beach in the Caribbean. Keep an eye out for our new produce sign. It’s really something special…

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