Blog Post

Where Did the Time Go?

  • By Allan Baucom
  • 01 Sep, 2017

Blog by: Cameron Ripley

September already… It sure does feel like this year went fast. I guess time flies when you’re having fun (or picking a million things every day…). Things are starting to slow down a little bit on the farm. We are still getting in some tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, okra, sweet corn, and lots of peppers. We actually have a few plantings that haven’t even started producing yet! Hopefully some of this rain can get them going.

September also marks the end of our CSA: Farm Fresh Ventures. The very last box of the season went out on Tuesday and contained a little decorative surprise for all of our subscribers! We really hope you enjoyed the boxes as much as we enjoyed growing them and making them. Thank you for your support and we will see you again in the spring!

All strawberry plants for next year have been ordered and ready to go. Strawberries come to us as plants that need to be transplanted into the field. We put each and every plant in the ground by hand. Actually, all growers do no matter how big they are! Commercial strawberries are grown on plastic to help control weeds, moisture, and nutrients. Plus, as an added bonus, black plastic can help keep the plant warm during the winter and early spring.

We will begin strawberry planting at the end of September and then cover them with large cloth blankets through the winter. The plants will remain dormant until the spring heats them up. Kind of like a bear hibernating (or me on weekends).

If you have any winter veggies you would like to see at the store, please feel free to let us know. Maybe we didn’t think about growing it yet! It’s always fun to try something new. We love hearing from you. You, the consumer, are the most important part of the farm after all.

Until then we will be picking the final push of the summer harvest and keep bringing you the freshest fruits and veggies possible!

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