Blog Post

We Have Growth!

  • By Allan Baucom
  • 27 Oct, 2017

Blog by: Cameron Ripley

Since winter crops like it cool (not hot, not cold), they grow quickly. Their season is really just Spring or Fall and we all know how those seasons seem to be cut short by the weather. Anyways, the winter crops we planted last week are already out of the ground!

Maybe not much but it’s enough to know that something worked correctly. I’d say that’s about as instant as our gratification gets as farmers. Everything else takes months or entire seasons for us to see progress! I just hope they keep growing at that rate and we can have some delicious greens before the cold weather rolls in and cuts our wonderful Fall weather short. It sure does make it nice to work outside.

Back in the old field we are still tending to our tomatoes. They are being affected by the shorter days and cooler temperatures so they aren’t producing as much but they still are producing. We just got some fresh green tomatoes into the store today! The peppers in the greenhouse don’t seem to want to quit either. The hot banana peppers and the jalapenos are still producing like it’s summer! They still look good too. Picking the banana peppers always makes me want pizza…

Amongst all this good news there is a touch of bad news. Our beloved okra has finally gone to that great stalk in the sky. The cooler weather had stunted their production and we decided it was time for them to go so we can prepare the field for next season. Funny thing is the okra we cut down a few weeks ago is starting to produce small amounts again. I swear, okra just will never give up… Or let you down… Okay I’m done. The plants are probably inches tall with okra pods sticking out from behind the leaves. Definitely the easiest thing to grow in the garden. I can’t get it to stop when I want it to!

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