Blog Post

Southern Hospitality

  • By Allan Baucom
  • 01 Dec, 2017

Blog by: Cameron Ripley

So it’s been a while. Things have really been happening. Maybe not so much out in the field but the farm itself is moving right along. Last week was Thanksgiving and I hope that everyone was enjoying their family time and eating until they pop. The week before that we had a special guest on the farm with us and I was busy running around trying to get all the pictures I could of his stay.

Motivational speaker Chris Koch came all the way from Canada to spend a week with us and speak to the community. By the way, his last name is pronounced ‘cook…’ I might have been pronouncing it wrong for the few weeks before he got here, but luckily I didn’t mess it up while he was here!

He is a farmer from Canada. That’s right, farmers work hard enough that they get to be motivational speakers to everyone else! On a completely unrelated side note, he also was born without any arms or legs.

Chris was such a pleasure to have on the farm. He wanted to come to Monroe because he had always wanted to operate a cotton picker and a peanut harvester. Well, we happen to have both of those here on the farm! He got to knock both of those items off his bucket list. There is a drone video of his time in the cotton picker on our Facebook page right now. Stay tuned for the peanut harvester footage.

I hope everyone came out to see his show promoting Hometown Heroes ( He really is an inspiration and great speaker. I thought it was quite enjoyable. If you didn’t get to come out, visit his site at to see some videos. Maybe he will be back… Maybe it will be in the Spring… Maybe we will let you know when it gets a little closer… *hint hint.

Since this is the Piedmont Produce website I suppose I should talk about some produce huh? The winter crops are ready! Spinach is finally here! Next week we should have plenty of nice leafy greens to smother in Ranch Dressing! It can’t just be me...

The strawberries are also on a roll. They are very happy and healthy. No mites, no disease, a few deer but not a huge problem. We are right on track for a sweet spring!

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