The weather is cooler, the days are shorter, we must be coming into fall! There is still a lot to do around the farm. Actually there is MORE to do! We are still picking just about everything. Plenty of okra and peppers still coming in (those plants just won’t quit), new cucumber plants are producing, new squash plants are producing, new tomato plants are producing, it’s just a good time for produce. Now, in addition to keeping up with picking everything, we have to begin preparations for the next year.
Earlier this week we laid down the new plastic for next year’s field.
Setting up a new field is a ton of work. You have to work the ground to make it nice and soft. Then you have to spread the compost to add nutrients into the ground. Then it takes a couple more times with the tractor mixing up the soil nice and deep. After all that, you can finally make the raised beds for the plastic, but make sure they’re straight and evenly spaced! It takes a keen eye and a steady hand on the wheel to get them just right. Finally, you can lay the plastic and drip tape using a special attachment on the tractor, several helping hands, and plenty of hours to spare.
Well we finally got the time to lay some plastic and it sure does look good! It looks like we have made a lot of progress but the work here is just beginning. Now we have to cut a drive road right through the middle of the field so trucks and tractors (and our wonderful pick-your-own strawberry pickers!) can get into the field.
Then we have to run irrigation lines from the pump at the pond all the way up to the field and hook up the drip tape at every row. Then we will finally be ready to run some water and plant the strawberries! Strawberry planting should take place in the last week of September or the first week of October so we don’t have too much time to get everything done! We are keeping a good pace though. Next season will be here before we know it.
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