We also planted more tomato plants so we can have fresh tomatoes well into the fall! Just because it’s getting hot outside doesn’t mean that you still can’t grow some plants. We still have plenty of tomato and pepper plants available at the store for any of you growers that like to procrastinate. Make sure to get them soon though! If you wait any later than the end of the month, you won’t get any tomatoes before the frost takes out the plants.
Sweet corn has definitely been keeping us busy. Well actually, you all have been keeping us busy! We have been picking sweet corn just about every morning and you wonderful folks buy us out before the day is over! Our poor little field just can’t keep up with the demand, which is a wonderful problem to have as a grower. We like when everything finds a good home. Hopefully everyone got some corn for their 4th of July cookouts! Next week we should have plenty of sweet corn for everyone, our next planting of corn will be ready to pick, and it’s a big one! Get your butter and boiling pots ready.Get to know your farm!